Art of the Walrus

Art prints from original paintings and drawings by UK artist Emma Davis. Wonderland, Frida Love, Potterhead, AbFab, Music Icons and more..

Why Choose Us?

Art of the Walrus' mission is to spread colourful works that brighten not only your environment but your mood. If I can make you smile I'm happy! 😊

I use my own palette and am always drawn to brighter, not so realistic shades. Bold backgrounds and strong shapes. My next collection (yet to be revealed) will be to draw attention to and raise money for male victims of DV.

About Us

Emma Davis

Artist & Store Owner

Hello from Art of the Walrus and me Emma Davis. Artist, Author, Illustrator, Accidentalist, Jewellery Designer and Butler to a large cat! 

This site is dedicted to my paintings and scribblings which I hope will 'draw' a smile? 😁 Acrylic paintings and occasionally (when out of paint) drawings using sharpie markers. 


I am an Artist living in the beautiful County of Kent UK. The garden of England! Based just outside of the majestic Canterbury City.
